In 2024, the Animation Department introduces many new features. The Hobby Club, aimed at teenagers, has reopened to allow them to socialize without mixing with younger children. Regarding the MiniClub, the quality of crafts has been improved, and the MiniClub Garden has been reinstated.
Another novelty for the 2024 season is the introduction of a sports training campus offering various sports. Additionally, a play area for children under 4 years old will be introduced.
Continuing the focus on outdoor activities, excursions in the natural surroundings near Tamarit will continue to be organized.
Activities for adults will also be expanded, including beach and pool activities. There will be two paddle surf board rental points. The Bike Centre will continue to offer quick repair services and will introduce new models of rental bicycles.
The sports area will feature many new additions, such as the expansion of the ball sports area (beach volleyball, soccer, tennis, basketball...). The quantity and quality of sports activities will also increase.
Regarding the in-house shows, this year we will have 3 (2 more than last season), and a new candy Food Truck will be located at the entrance of the sports area.